Business Not As Usual...


Does 2020 have a re-set button?! Asking for a friend...

Assassinations and abdications aside, watching the Australian bushfires unfold have left so many of us feeling completely overwhelmed, hopeless and, besides being able to make donations, utterly helpless. I have felt unable to continue à la ‘business as usual,’ whilst knowing that over a billion animals have perished in the fire’s path, and many species are now hastening towards extinction.

After spending last week beating myself up over this uncharacteristic lack of chutzpah, and feeling unable to rally, I’ve decided however, that perhaps a ‘business as usual’ mentality is not actually what is needed from me, or any of us, right now - because let’s face it, ‘nothing changes, if nothing changes.’ What’s clear is that we need to hold ourselves and our leaders to a greater responsibility for the well-being of our planet... None of us have been, or indeed are, perfect, but let’s all agree that by making more sustainable and less polluting choices in our daily lives and businesses, we can all be and do a helluva lot better... Now is definitely the time, friends.

*To donate to the Australian emergency and rescue services, please see HERE.