Naturally Beautiful, Beautifully Natural: My Facial With Abigail James At Lomax Chelsea

I went to Lomax Chelsea last week for the most extraordinary facial.  I was lucky enough to secure an appointment with one of London’s top facialists; holistic therapist Abigail James.  When the UK’s most well regarded beauty editors are vying for time with Abigail’s healing and expert hands, you know you’re in for a real treat!  Steering clear of all synthetic products and cosmetics, Abigail’s mantra is ‘Naturally Beautiful, Beautifully Natural,’ and the organic approach to health and wellbeing she extols reveal fantastic benefits – namely, glowing and clear skin.

The whole experience was truly bespoke.  I filled out a detailed questionnaire, covering all my skin routines, product preferences, medical conditions and dietary choices, which Abigail then read through and discussed at length with me before the facial, enabling her to design a treatment based on my specific requirements and needs.  When I was completely comfortable in one of the 5 Lomax treatment rooms, Abigail went on to give me a really relaxing, super beneficial facial, which included some manual lymphatic drainage and facial reflexology to encourage my skin’s natural healing and vitality.  The products she used were all ethical and organic, little known, niche brands (OSKIADr Alkaitis and Live Native) but I certainly intend to track them down.  I would have happily fallen asleep as she fluttered these lotions and potions over my face like a butterfly but I did not want to miss a moment.

After the facial Abigail gave me fantastic advice on what products to use and where to find them, and how I can better my overall health, which in turn, would also improve my skin.  I left feeling completely relaxed, rosy-cheeked and with a long shopping list. 

Thank you again Abigail xx

The Lomax Way

I was recently invited to Lomax Victoria to experience ‘The Lomax Way’ - a combination of bespoke fitness, tailored nutrition and holistic wellbeing...

Step One: Podular Training

Founder and personal trainer Jonny Lomax’s concept of Podular Training consists of you exercising (either alone, with a trainer, or in a class) in one of their eight fully equipped personal fitness pods, each offering several different work out options, including spinning and circuit training. With no monthly fees or contracts – the pay-as-you-go rates for Podular Training range from £20 - £65 (or if bought in bulk, £10 - £55.)

Daunted by my 40 minute personal training session with Jonny, I felt obliged to mention that not only am I NOT a gym-bunny (worse, I haven’t moved quicker than a strut in over a decade) but I am also seriously mal-coordinated and that this whole ordeal could be really rather embarrassing. After some confidence boosting and a motivational pep talk, I was soon spinning away and circuit training (“Sets” and “Reps” - evil, evil little words!)

Apparently I am not as unfit as I think and I even began to enjoy my 'Gazelle Jumps' (soon renamed 'Giselle Jumps') as I eagerly hopped up and down onto a high box without any complaints or squeaks... Unlike my turn with the weights... Unfortunately my frequently used excuse of ‘not being built for lifting’ did not get me out of that particular exercise!

Apparently if I were to do this twice a week, the results would come fast and furiously – and after 2 days of various muscles I never knew that I had mercilessly aching, I felt bouncy, energetic and ready to do it all again.

Step Two: Nutritional Consultation

If I had previously felt apprehensive in revealing my lack of natural athleticism to Jonny, that was nothing compared to the anxiety I felt over my meeting with Zoe Copesy, the nutritionist at Lomax.

However, sitting in the Lomax cafe with Zoe (left, a gorgeous, glowing example of what she preaches) whilst we sipped on Vita Coco and munched protein Bounce Balls, she showed no judgment whatsoever over my daily diet (ummm... chocolate, Cheerios and cupcakes) but instead gave me some brilliant, accessible, advice on how I can fit better eating habits around my lifestyle. I was then given a freshly prepared foodbox from the Lomax café, based upon my own health goals and protein, carbohydrate and fat requirements.

Step Three: Wellbeing

At Lomax, professionals from around the world aim to help you achieve a physical and emotional balance, offering physiotherapy, osteopathy, massage, holistic facials, acupuncture, homoeopathy and meditation.
I was spoiled with a relaxing massage, combined with metatronic healing, leaving me feeling more refreshed and balanced than I had felt in weeks – I believe I could also benefit from two of these sessions a week!

Thank you to all at Lomax Victoria!

I am now very excited to see the new Lomax Chelsea venue which opens in February at 293 Fulham Road... With even more fully equipped pods and an expanded class roster they will also be offering sit in/take away nutritionally balanced meals and snacks, a juice bar and delicious Monmouth coffee. There will be 5 treatment rooms and also a studio for pilates, yoga and barre classes. If you pre-register with them at Lomax Victoria now, you will receive 50% off all services during your first month in Chelsea… Sign. Me. Up.