Lighting Up Puerto Rico with Tara Summers


Two months ago my good friend, actress Tara Summers, went to Puerto Rico to work on a film. Knowing she was about to witness much of the destruction left in Hurricane Irma and Maria's wake, Tara started a GoFundMe Page to raise money to take some $25 solar powered lamps with her, which the International Medical Corps had advised her would be really useful.

FORTY-FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS (and counting!) later, the lamps, which are charged in the sunshine and last 8hrs, have made a real difference to so many, especially the elderly and the young, at this more than challenging time.  


I met up with Tara for a cuppa whilst in New York and asked her to tell us more…

It will likely be another four months before power is fully restored across Puerto Rico, and you can help by donating HERE.



Sienna Miller's East African Mission

Last month actress Sienna Miller visited the Dolo Ado camps in eastern Ethiopia in her role as global ambassador for the International Medical Corps.

After overseeing their emergency nutrition programmes and meeting many of those gravely affected by the severe drought and famine, Sienna is now calling for greater attention to the current humanitarian crisis in East Africa, “Without immediate humanitarian intervention, more than 390,000 children are at risk of starvation.”

In some areas of Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia, a child is dying every six minutes and support is urgently needed to help the millions of people facing starvation in the already strained refugee camps.

For more information about this urgent appeal please go to the International Medical Corps website - you could, by donating some much needed money, help them deliver lifesaving nutrition and other basic supplies.